Well I seem to be surfing alot trying to learn about the whole internet website promotion and optimizing.I seem to have put hours into it and i feel just as confused if not worse off than before. I feel like a baby in a topless bar.So many nipples, so little time.Which boob do I begin on?I can say that I come across some cool tools,gadgets and sites. So here are some.....I hope they help someone as they have me ,in one way or another.Some really help me with my site managment,some just bring a giggle or a laugh out of me,some do both. Here is a link to a site that is just full of info.and helpful tools.
http://www.addme.com/here are some cute add me buttons (for my space)

The Page link:
http://www.addme.com/add-me-buttons.htm A Site Submission Free!
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